Tuesday 5 November 2013

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban DVD Disc Review

Being the cultural phenomenon it is, the 'Harry Potter' film franchise has quite a big image to withhold; although the films have all ranged from good to brilliant, do the DVDs that house them hold up so well? To find out I have got my copy of 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' off my shelf and will be reviewing it. Like last time, this is a review of the DVD itself! Not the featured content, so if you came here to read someone's review on the film then you'll have to go to another website; I will be evaluating the DVD menus presentation and representation of what it's a menu for, as well as how easy it is to use and how much content is included. With this in mind, let the magic begin.

As this is a DVD from the major film company 'Warner Brothers', you'd expect there to be a few trailers for their upcoming releases, this is true but if you just want to get straight to the point, you can press the MENU button on the remote to skip them. You are greeted with a very beautiful intro sequence after the trailers which is set in the clouds, within the clouds we see  scenes from the movie fading in and out of the clouds, all to the franchises beloved theme song; this intro really sets the scene for the feature film and everything else on the DVD, it excites the viewer and makes them feel delighted to be watching the DVD, as well as making them proud to be a 'Harry Potter' fan. After this sequence we are thrown straight into another one which shows a fast paced driving scene from the film which becomes the main menu, the nature of the scene is very adrenaline building and makes you very pumped to watch the film.

The Main Menu
The main menu itself consists of the of 4 links to the feature film and the other menus, they are presented in the 'Harry Potter' logos font in small, golden text along the top of the screen; this way the text is themed appropriately to the DVDs feature film, doesn't get in the way or distract you from video playing behind it and it is very easy to distinguish from everything else on screen making it easy to read. The banner structure of the links makes the menu very easy to navigate, all you need to do to get around is press LEFT or RIGHT on the remote and press SELECT to follow your desired link, the highlighting of where you are on screen is just as clear and effective as the links themselves, a yellow bar appears underneath the link you are currently on to let you see where you're at, it fits in perfectly with the rest of the text and looks very good on screen. As I mentioned earlier the video playing in the background is a very entertaining scene from the film where the {'Knight Bus'} drives through oncoming traffic as it does in the film, accompanied by the 'Double Trouble' song from the film and witty dialogue from the 'Dre Head' character (the shrunken head on screen) such as "Fasten yer safety belts, cletch yer buttocks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!" and "Little old lady at twelve o clock!"; despite being a scene with flashing lights, lots of dialogue and fast moving imagery, it isn't at all distracting, in fact it's very appropriate as it engages and entertains the viewer and makes them want to watch the film sooner. There is another very handy navigation aid would be how if you don't press any buttons on your remote for 10 seconds straight then the 'Dre Head' character in the video will say to stop the bus and the feature film will start to play automatically; this is a very interesting feature for the visually impaired as they will struggle to read the links, it also benefits people who for whatever reason do not have a remote at the current time, the inclusion of the menu media interacting with the viewer is also a very nice feature as it makes the DVD feel magic and that is the fantasy of 'Harry Potter' after all.

Scene Selection Menu
In terms of presentation, the scene selection menu is simple yet effective, it simply depicts screenshots from 4 of the 35 different scenes you can select across 9 different pages; the screenshots are shown as panels in the 'Daily Prophet' newspaper from the franchise, along the bottom of the newspaper page is the list of pages and a button to let you return to the main menu. The menu is very well laid out and easy to navigate with LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN and SELECT being the only buttons you'll need to press; all of the text that makes up the menu links is in the same don't and colour as that on the newspaper, the links are much bigger however and the newspaper text is blurred so as not to derive focus from the links. The screenshots that make up the links to the feature film start to move when you navigate onto them so you know where you are on screen, the text above the screenshots and the text on the bottom of the screen becomes transparent with a green glow around it when highlighted, this makes it so you can locate where you are on screen with ease in a stylish and effective way; my problems with this screen is how the screenshots don't even blend into the background at all, they stick out like a sore thumb which makes the screenshots and the newspaper acting as the background look tacky and horrible. Annoyingly enough the music that plays on the scene select menus is the music that ordinarily plays during the {'Knight Bus'} scene that is played in the background of the main menu, although the music is good it is a slightly annoying music swap for fans of 'Harry Potter'.

Special Features Menu
Keeping with the themes that the main menu set, this menu features more of the {'Knight Bus'} scene from the film, except it is now focusing on the 'Dre Head' character who continues to deliver humorous dialogue while swaying from side to side; the text is all the same type as it was on the main menu except the links are in a list structure going down the right hand side of the screen, the song that accompanies the scene in the film is used on this menu which is appropriate and well done too. Your current location on screen is showed by a little arrow appearing next to the link you are on, it is easily visible on screen and does not distract you from the media happening in the background d the other links on the list. Additional content on this disc is very limited with an interview with some of the cast and crew members as well as trailers of the first 3 films in the franchise, although it isn't much it is a nice inclusion for fans of the franchise.

Other Features
To my knowledge there is no Easter eggs on this disc, there is however a language feature which gives you the option to view the feature film with subtitles. The subtitles feature is not as well done as it should be considering the popularity of the franchise, you can only have English subtitles for the hearing impaired and no other languages; this is slightly disappointing as I know people who although cannot understand the English language find the original dialogue much more compelling than the re-dubs done in their countries language, some people prefer the film to be in English with foreign subtitles which is a service this DVD cannot provide. The subtitles that play during the feature film are very good nether the less, they are in a readable simple white font with a heavy black outline which allows them to be read in any type of scene, due to the position on screen they do not distract you from the film yet tell you what you need to know.


Being a DVD from one of the most famous film franchises ever made, the 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' disc had a level of quality to maintain; I'm happy to say that aside from a lack of multiple languages for the subtitles, this DVD meets that high level of quality. It is brilliantly made and should be an anchor point for DVD menus in the future.

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